Asia Pacific Cabin Safety Working Group

Co-Chair | Stephen Barry
Co-Chair | Sue Rice

About Us

Formed in 1993, the Asia-Pacific Cabin Safety Working Group (APCSWG) is an initiative of the Australian Society of Air Safety Investigators (ASASI), a Chapter of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators based in the USA. The APCSWG is a multi-disciplinary, voluntary body comprising accident investigators, aircrew, airline safety representatives, aviation regulators, psychologists, training providers and legal specialists.


These individuals come to together:

  • to promote the exchange of cabin safety information;
  • to share resources for the investigation of cabin safety occurrences;
  • to promote a pro-active approach to cabin safety; and
  • to provide mutual assistance in the training of cabin safety investigators.

Upcoming Events

APCSWG contacts and details of upcoming events.

Terms of Reference

  • to pursue the highest standards of cabin safety for aviation by identifying cabin safety issues and formulating position papers on those issues.

  • to constitute a body of experienced cabin safety personnel to promote the exchange of cabin safety information.

  • to share resources as appropriate for the investigation of related occurrences in the field of cabin safety.

  • to promote collaboration to avoid independent parallel efforts towards the same end and provide mutual assistance in cabin safety investigation.

  • to promote and encourage the pro-active approach to cabin safety through the exchange of information on research, research techniques and special studies.

  • to provide mutual assistance in the training of cabin safety investigators in both general and specific areas

Cabin Safety Papers

Selected cabin safety papers can be found here.

Information for Passengers

Travel tips for passengers can be found here.